Zoe Walker

zoe walker
2022-25 Career Development Fellow in Philosophy, Trinity College, Oxford
2018-22 PhD in Philosophy, Cambridge University
2016-17 MPhil in Philosophy, Cambridge University
2013-16 BA in Philosophy, Cambridge University



Forthcoming: 'A Sensibility of Humour', British Journal of Aesthetics

2022: ‘Art’s Underthought: art, presupposition and immorality’, Warwick Journal of Philosophy


I work on various philosophical issues surrounding humour, comedy and joking, at the intersection of Aesthetics, Ethics, Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Mind. I also have a more general interest in the relationship between art and morality, and language and politics.

I teach Prelims General Philosophy, Moral Philosophy and Logic, and Finals Aesthetics, Ethics, Practical Ethics, and Knowledge and Reality.