Astor Visiting Lectureship 2022 - Lecture

varzi astor

Achille Varzi, John Dewey Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University will be visiting Oxford as the Astor Visiting Lecturer in week 8 of Trinity term 2022. He will be presenting a lecture on Tuesday, 14 June at 2:00pm in the Lecture Room of the Faculty of Philosophy and participate in a workshop on Wednesday, 15 June at 4:15pm in the Ryle Room of the Faculty of Philosophy.

Prof Varzi’s work focuses on logic and metaphysics. He is an editor of the Journal of Philosophy and has just published Mereology (OUP 2021, with A.J. Cotnoir), a major contribution to the theory of wholes and parts that compiles decades of advanced research into a comprehensive, up-to-date, and formally rigorous picture.


I offer an argument in favour of the thesis that so-called logical constants do not possess any special semantic traits. I then use the argument’s conclusion to articulate and partly defend a conventionalist—hence pluralist—conception of logic.

These events are open to all members of the university. For questions, please contact