Mansfield College
9.30-11.00 am Panel III:
Dr Alison Jasper, Stirling: Mortal Vulnerabilities: Reflecting on death and dying with Pamela Sue Anderson
Professor Heather Walton, Glasgow: Strong as Death: Loving, creative practice
Dr Roxana Baiasu, Oxford: Vulnerability and Resilience
11.30 am-1:00 pm Panel IV:
Professor Dorota Filipczak, Lodz: Disavowal of a Woman as a ‘Knower’ in Selected Literary Works Read in Light of Pamela Sue Anderson’s Concept of Vulnerability
Professor Elizabeth Frazer, Oxford & Professor Kimberly Hutchings, Queen Mary London: The Politics of Vulnerability
Dr Sabina Lovibond, Oxford: Vulnerable and Invulnerable: Two Faces of Dialectical Reasoning
Regent’s Park College
1.15-2.45 pm Speakers’ Buffet Lunch & Unveiling of Pamela’s Portrait
Mansfield College
3.45- 5.00 pm Keynote II & Discussion
Professor Beverley Clack, Oxford Brookes: Wisdom, Friendship and the Practice of Philosophy
5:30-7:00 pm Panel V:
Professor Alan Montefiore, Oxford: Pamela Anderson and ‘Vulnerabilty’
Dr Heike Springhart, Heidelberg: Vulnerable Forgiveness - Theological reflections on the limits of forgiveness and vulnerable human life
Professor Günter Thomas, Ruhr, Bochum: The Risks of Love and the Ambiguities of Hope