Seminar Convenors: Dr Rebecca Brown & Prof Janet Radcliffe Richards
Michaelmas 2022 Programme: Weeks 1, 3, 5 & 7 Fridays 2:30-4:30pm BST at Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics Seminar Room, Suite 1 Littlegate House, 16-17 St Ebbes St.
This seminar is an opportunity for graduate students from all departments whose work has an applied ethics dimension to join a practical and medical ethics seminar group led by researchers from the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics. We are very pleased to announce that in Michaelmas Term Dr Rebecca Brown will once more be joined as convenor by Professor Janet Radcliffe Richards.
The seminars will be held during weeks 1, 3, 5 & 7 Michaelmas Term from 2:30-4:30pm, with the opportunity to join OUC staff at The Royal Blenheim Hotel afterwards.
Week 1: 14th October - Katrien Devolder on Genethics
Week 3: 28th October – Rebecca Brown on Reproductive Ethics
Week 5: 11th November – Lisa Forsberg on Law and Medical Ethics
Week 7: 25th November – Muriel Leuenberger on Neuroethics
Please email now to be placed on the mailing list for this seminar series. Please contact me ASAP to sign up as a volunteer to present your work in progress papers and/or to act as a respondent. Please note that you will not need to provide your paper for distribution until 1 week prior to the seminar at which you will present.
During Michaelmas Term the seminar will primarily be held as an in-person session. However, for those students who are unable to attend due to illness or living outside of Oxford, we will continue to provide the option to join via zoom.
Seminar format: each week, for the first hour, one of the researchers from the OUC will introduce a key topic in Practical or Medical Ethics. (The relevant chapters/texts will be made available to you the week prior to the seminar)
During the second hour students will be given the opportunity to present works in progress, draft papers or thesis chapters for constructive comments and discussion with other graduate students, led by Dr Rebecca Brown. The format for the discussion section of the seminar is as follows: One student will have the opportunity to present a work in progress paper. The student will give a 10 min presentation on their paper, which will be followed by another student giving a 5 min initial response to the paper presented. This will then be followed by an open group discussion for the remainder of the hour. Papers and reading material are circulated a week in advance via email. Students who volunteer to present are asked to choose another session in which to respond.
The presenting and respondent spaces are issued on a first come first served basis so please email ASAP to ensure you get a space. Responding to papers is as important an aspect of the seminar as presenting.