Oxford Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy 2017

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The educational reforms of the early modern period had a substantial impact on philosophy, not only through the ways in which future philosophers were educated -- for instance, Descartes's education in the new Jesuit paradigm -- but also in informing philosophical discussion about learning and education, including about just in what learning consists, who is capable of learning, the best methods of learning, educational institutions, tools for both theoretical and moral education, and other topics. This seminar aims to encourage discussions around this largely unexplored central philosophical theme of the period.

Organising departmentFaculty of Philosophy

OrganiserDr Paul Lodge (University of Oxford)

Organiser contact email addresspaul.lodge@mansfield.ox.ac.uk

Schedule of Talks

9.00-9.30 Registration and coffee
9.30-10.30 ‘Spinozan Pedagogy.’ 
Julie Klein (Villanova University)
10.30-11.30 ‘Locke on Habit and Experience in the Formation of the Self.’ 
Anik Waldow (University of Sydney)
11.30-12.00 Break
12.00-1.00 ‘Domesticating Descartes: Johann Clauberg’s Scholasticization of the New Science.’ 
Nabeel Hamid (University of Pennsylvania)
1.00-2.30 Lunch
2.30-3.30 ‘Adam Smith’s Remarks on Education.’ 
Anna Markwart (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruñ)
3.30-4.30 ‘Music as Moral Authenticity: Reinstating the Role of Music in Rousseau’s Philosophy of Education.’ 
Valerie Kuzmina (University of Ottawa)
4.30-5.00 Break
5.00-6.00 ‘Emilie Du Châtelet on Education and Women's Minds.’ 
Karen Detlefsen (University of Pennsylvania)


9.00-9.30 Coffee
9.30-10.30 ‘Going to School with Luther: 18th–Century German Philosophical Conceptions of the Modern University and Their Lutheran Heritage.’ 
Lim Lung Chieh (University of Ottawa)
10.30-11.30 ‘The Socratic Pedagogy of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.’
Sergio A. Gallegos (Metropolitan St. University of Denver) & Adriana Clavel (University of Sheffield)
11.30-12.00 Break
12.00-1.00 ‘”For the Want Whereof This Nation Perishes”: John Milton on Education.’
Teresa Bejan (University of Oxford)
1.00-2.30 Lunch
2.30-3.30 ‘Shifting Epistemic Authority and the Role of Education.’
Lisa Shapiro (Simon Fraser University)