Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar (Tuesday - Week 6, HT24)
Tuesday 20 February, 16:00 - 18:00
Ryle Room, Faculty of Philosophy
Bill Bristow (University of Wisconsin): 'The Experience of Self-loss in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit'
Interprets the experience of self-loss in Hegel’s Phenomenology through examining what is presented as a pure example of self-loss in the book, namely, consciousness’s experience of the fear of death in the life and death struggle. Reads Augustine’s account of his experience of loss in Book IV of his Confessions as a real-life example of the experience of self-loss that Hegel describes abstractly in the Phenomenology as consciousness’s experience of the fear of death. Uses the former to help interpret the latter, and to draw general lessons regarding Hegel’s conception of experience and its relation to philosophy in the Phenomenology.