Summa Contra Gentiles: Reading, Commentary, and Translation Group (Week 5, TT18)
Wednesday 23rd May 2018, 13.00-14.00
(Front Lecture Room, Blackfriars Hall)
A graduate reading and discussion group
The group will meet 13.00-14.00 on Wednesdays, in the Front Lecture Room of Blackfriars Hall. (Please ring the doorbell to be let in.)
The relevant text for Trinity Term is Summa Contra Gentiles, Part IV, Questions 27 -- 49, in the Marietti manuscript.
The format will be as follows, with options for those who (a) feel confident in their Latin as well as for (b) those who have no Latin or are not confident in it:
1. Before the meeting: You may either (a) focus on providing a new translation for the week's questions on the Summa Contra Gentiles or (b) concentrate on providing a commentary on these questions (perhaps using the already existing English translation from, as appropriate.
2. During the meeting: We will go over (a) translation issues and (b) textual interpretations, as well as our individual commentaries, with the goal of generating both (i) a coherent translation and (ii) exegetical commentary.
If there are any questions, please contact the organiser Sean Costello.
Summa Contra Gentiles Reading Group Organiser: Sean Costello