The Embodied Social Subject: Drive and Affect, Psychoanalysis and Hegel’s Thought

St John's College

Organised together with the Interdisciplinary Psychoanalytic Thought Network and the Oxford Interdisciplinary Psychoanalysis Seminar (St John’s College)

The event programme is as follows:

10am Introduction Susanne Herrmann-Sinai and Louise Braddock

10.30-11.30 Session I

Louise Braddock (Oxford): Freud’s ‘theory of the affects’ reconstructed

Leonardo Niro (Essex): Is love a natural force? On the origins, vicissitudes, and limits of Freud’s metapsychology of drives and psychic energy

11.30-12.30 Roundtable I

12.30-1.30 Lunch

1.30-2.30 Session II

Allegra de Laurentiis (Stony Brook, NY): What is Hegel’s ‘Genius’?

Susanne Herrmann-Sinai (Oxford): The first person in the acquisition of native and second language: Reflections with Hegel

2.30-3.30 Roundtable II

3.30-4 Coffee break

4.00-5.00 Session III

Connie Wang (Columbia/Berlin): Hegel on Mental Illness

Anna-Lisa Sander (Heidelberg): Being affectively involved in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit

5.00-6.00 Roundtable III and final discussion

6.00-7.00 Drinks reception

For full details and abstracts please visit:

Registration is free but requires reserving a ticket via eventbrite: 

This Workshop is kindly supported by The Aristotelian Society.