Hannah Laurens

hannah laurens


Postdoctoral Fellow, University of St Andrews

Research Visitor, History of Philosophy Forum, University of Notre Dame

Postdoctoral Fellow, British Society for the History of Philosophy

Lisa Jardine History of Science Award, Royal Society

Junior Fellow, Descartes Centre, Utrecht University

PhD University of St Andrews

BPhil University of Oxford

MA in Political, Legal, and Economic Philosophy, University of Bern

BA in Philosophy, Birkbeck College, University of London


Graduate Essay Prize British Society for the History of Philosophy

Cyril Joad Award, Birkbeck College



‘The Salvation of the Non-Philosopher: “Acquiescentia” in Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus’, Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, Volume 12 (forthcoming).
Nous and Divinity in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Lambda’, Phronesis (forthcoming



Reason: Fountain of Happiness for All. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Adriaan Koerbagh (1633-1669) (Uitgeverij Vantilt, 2019). In Dutch.


Book Chapter: 

‘Spinoza on Sin: Double Standards in the Tractatus Politicus?’, in Piet Steenbakkers et al. (eds.), Justice and Peace in Spinoza’s Tractatus Politicus, (forthcoming). In Dutch.


Aristotle, Spinoza & Spinozist thinkers of the Dutch Republic, early modern women philosophers.



Aristotle on Nature, Life, and Mind

Early Modern Philosophy: Spinoza



Plato’s Euthyphro and Meno (Greek and in translation)

Early Modern Philosophy

Plato’s Republic (Greek and in translation)

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics (Greek and in translation)

Philosophy of Religion

Moral Philosophy