Howard Robinson
Area of Specialisation:
Membership Type:
1957-64 Manchester Grammar School (School Captain, 1963-4) |
1964-67 Corpus Christi College, Oxford (Exhibition, 1966-7) |
1967 BA Class II, Philosophy, Politics and Economics (M.A.,1971) |
1967-68 University of Nottingham: postgraduate research for MPhil (Degree awarded 1971) |
1968-70 Corpus Christi College, Oxford: postgraduate research |
1970-74 Oriel College, Oxford: full time stipendiary lecturer in philosophy. |
1974-00 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Reader in Philosophy, University of Liverpool (Staff Doctorate, 2000). |
1994-96 Soros Professor of Philosophy, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest. |
2000-07 Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Central European University, Budapest. |
2007-12, University Professor, (CEU’s equivalent of what some universities call ‘Distinguished Professor’) Department of Philosophy, Central European University. |
2007-10 Provost and Academic Pro-Rector, Central European University. (CEU is an international graduate school with America and Hungarian accreditation, 1500 students from 100 countries, founded in 1991 by George Soros). |
2012-17 University Professor, two-thirds time. |
2017-20 Distinguished Visiting Professor, CEU. (Change in title required by Hungarian law, because of age.) |
2020- Re-instated as University Professor; Austrian law has no age limits. |
2017-19 Visiting Professor, Rutgers University. |
2018- Research Fellow, Blackfriars Hall, Oxford. |
Honorary Positions
Visiting Fellow, Brasenose College, Oxford, Trinity Term 2004 |
Honorary Visiting Professor of Philosophy, University of York, 2007-12 (Five year appointment) |
Visiting Fellow, Oriel College, Oxford, Michaelmas Term 2010 (Permanent member of Senior Common Room.) and elected Visiting Fellow for Michaelmas and Trinity Terms, 2021-2. |
Visiting Scholar, Fordham University, 2011- 9 |
Visiting Professor, Rutgers University, Autumn 2012 |
Senior Fellow, Rutgers Center for Philosophy of Religion, 2013-present |
Perception and Idealism: An essay on how the world manifests itself to us, and how it (probably) is in itself. Forthcoming (2022?) OUP. Edited or co-edited volumes Edition of Berkeley's Principles and Three Dialogues for Oxford University Press's World Classics, 1996. Latest reprint, 2009. |
From Knowledge Argument to Mental Substance: Resurrecting the Mind. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016. Pp. 270. (Paperback Sept. 2017). Review Times Literary Supplement, 15 September 2017. |
Contemporary Dualism: a defence, edited with Andrea Lavazza, Milan University: London, Routledge, 2014, 292pp. (Paperback-on-demand, 2016) |
Perception, monograph for the series ‘Problems of Philosophy: their Past and Present', London, Routledge, 1994, 260 pp. (Paperback, 2001: reissued, 2007) |
Articles and book chapters: selection from 2012
‘Aristotelian dualism, good; Aristotelian hylomorphism, bad’, in Encounters with Aristotle’s Philosophy of Mind, edited by Jakob Fink and Pavel Gregoric, Routledge, 2021, 283-306, and ‘Appendix: Howard Robinson and Christopher Shields on the merits of hylomorphism’, 325-330. |
‘Mentalist approaches to colour’, in The Routledge Companion to Colour, ed. Fiona Macpherson and Derek Brown, 2020 (5,500 words). |
‘Semantic direct realism’ for a special edition of American Philosophical Quarterly, ed. William Jaworski, ‘Metaphysical issues in the philosophy of mind’. 2020, 51-64. |
‘Objectivity: how is it possible?’ in The Philosophy of Perception: Proceedings of the 40th International Wittgenstein Symposium, eds Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau and Friedrich Stadler, De Gruyter, 2019, 23-38. |
‘The “Perfect Person” conception of God verses the traditional conception. Is the difference so great?’; Religious Studies: volume is a Festschrift for Richard Swinburne; 2017, 293-306. |
'Berkeley and the realist- antirealist controversy in the twentieth century', for The Bloomsbury Companion to Berkeley', ed. Bertil Belfrage, Bloomsbury, 2017, 63-81. |
‘Phenomenal qualities: what they must be and what they cannot be’, in Phenomenal Qualities: Sense, Perception and Consciousness, eds Paul Coates and Sam. Coleman, Oxford University Press, 2015, 103-20. |
‘Naturalism and the unavoidability of the Cartesian perspective’, in Contemporary Dualism, eds Lavazza and Robinson, Routledge, 2014, 154-170. |
‘ A ‘Trinitarian’ theory of the self’ European Journal for Philosophy of Religion, March 2013, 317-331. |
‘The failure of disjunctivism to deal with “philosophers’ hallucinations”’, in Hallucinations, ed Fiona Macpherson and Dimitris Platchias, MIT Press, 2013, 313-330. |
‘Qualia, Qualities and our Conception of the Physical World’, in The Case for Dualism ed Benedikt Goecke, Notre Dame Press, 2012, 231-263. |
'Varieties of the ontological argument', European Journal of the Philosophy of Religion, 2012, 41-64. |
'Substance dualism and its rationale', in Free Will and Modern Science, ed. Richard Swinburne, the British Academy and OUP, 2012, 158-77. |
'Benacerraf's problem, abstract objects and intellect' in Truth, Reference and Realism, edd. Novak and Simonyi, CEU Press, 2011, 235-62. (The other contributors, Isaacson, Rumfitt, Williamson and Wedgwood were supervisors of CEU students in their year in Oxford.) |
‘Two Berkelian arguments about the nature of space’, in Berkeley’s lasting legacy: three hundred years later, edd. T. Airaksinen and B. Belfrage, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2011, 79-90. |
'Quality, thought and consciousness', in The Metaphysics of Consciousness, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 67, eds P. Basile, J. Kiverstein, P. Phemester, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010, 203-16. |
Philosophy of perception Philosophy of mind, especially problems of physicalism Berkelian idealism Philosophy of religion Certain aspects of Aristotelianism |