Jack Wearing

jack wearing
2023 - present   Departmental Lecturer in Post-Kantian Philosophy, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford
2022 - 23   Teaching Associate in Philosophy,  University of Cambridge
2018 - 22   DPhil in Philosophy, St John's College, University of Oxford
2016 - 17   MPhil in Philosophy, Trinity College, University of Cambridge
2013 - 16    BA in Philosophy, Trinity College, University of Cambridge



2024 ‘Thinking Against Humanism? Heidegger on the Human Essence, the Inhuman,and Evil’, European Journal of Philosophy, 1–22. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/ejop.13024 
2023 'Ontology as a Guide to Politics? Judith Butler on Interdependency, Vulnerability, and Nonviolence’, Ergo 9: 35. doi: https://doi.org/10.3998/ergo.2624 


My research primarily concerns normative conceptions of the human in Kantian and Post-Kantian traditions of ethical and political thought. I also have a more general interest in Critical Theory and an interest in Kant's aesthetics.

I currently teach Prelims General Philosophy and Moral Philosophy at Corpus Christi College, and offer tutorials on the following Finals paper: 109. Aesthetics, 112. The Philosophy of Kant, 113. Post-Kantian Philosophy (Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Sartre), 129. The Philosophy of Wittgenstein, and 198. Feminist Theory.  

I have given lectures and BPhil classes on a number of Post-Kantian thinkers, including Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, and currently supervise BPhil essays on 'History of Philosophy from 1800'.