Fellowship Awards to Centre Members Sponsored by Professor Julian Savulescu
Description of contribution to debate and law change in Australia resulting from 2010 abortion survey, commissioned by Julian Savulescu and Lachlan de Crespigny (document authored by Lachlan de Crespigny) [PDF]
For a summary of Savulescu publications please click here.
Julian Savulescu's areas of research include: the ethics of genetics, especially predictive genetic testing, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, prenatal testing, behavioural genetics, genetic enhancement, gene therapy. Research ethics, especially ethics of embryo research, including embryonic stem cell research. New forms of reproduction, including cloning and assisted reproduction. Medical ethics, including end of life decision-making, resource allocation, consent, confidentiality, decision-making involving incompetent people, and other areas. Sports ethics. The analytic philosophical basis of practical ethics. Julian is a founder member of the Hinxton Group.