Digest Week 2 Hilary Term 2020

HT20, Week 2 (26th January - 1st February)

If you have entries for the weekly Digest, they must be received by Wednesday, midday of the week before the event. Please send information to admin@philosophy.ox.ac.uk

Unless otherwise stated, all events will take place in the Radcliffe Humanities Building on Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG.

Notices - other Philosophy events, including those taking place elsewhere in the university and beyond

Holocaust Memorial Address | 11.00 - 12.00 | Harris Manchester College Chapel

On Sunday 26 January Dr Brian Klug (St Benet’s Hall) will be giving the Holocaust Memorial Address at a special service at Harris Manchester College chapel. His talk ‘Words Matter: Shaping the Human World’ will reflect on the political ambiguity of the word ‘we’ and the question of whether there is a ‘right to offend’. The service begins at 11 am and ends at 12 noon. All welcome.

Philosophy of Probability Reading Group | 14.00 - 16.00 | Brasenose College

Organisers: Kevin Dorst, Silvia Milano and Al Wilson

The reading group will be pre-read - here is a list of possible readings.

If you'd like to attend, please fill out this form.

If you're interested in leading the discussion on some days (on a paper of your choice), state this on the form. Please also email kevindorst@pitt.edu when you sign up.


Special Visiting Lecture: Enlightenment, Information, and the Copernican Delay | 17.30 - 19.00 | Lecture Theatre 2, English Faculty Building

Clifford Siskin is the Henry W. and Alfred A. Berg Professor of English and American Literature at New York University and the Director of The Re:Enlightenment Project, an international collaboration of scholars he founded that examines how new technologies and research tools are transforming our understanding of what the Enlightenment was and how it worked.

His subject is the history of knowledge, with a current focus on the interrelations of forms of knowledge and forms of computation. Links between past and present inform all of his work, from his sequencing of the genres of subjectivity (The Historicity of Romantic Discourse, OUP, 1988) to his revealing the footings for the modern disciplines (The Work of Writing: Literature and Social Change in Britain 1700-1830, Johns Hopkins, 1998). With William Warner in This Is Enlightenment (Chicago, 2010), he devised the "history of mediation" as a conceptual tool for answering the question Kant made famous. His most recent book reveals how "system" became the central genre of Enlightenment and thus our primary form of knowing and a thing we love to blame (SYSTEM: The Shaping of Modern Knowledge, MIT, 2017).


Global Priorities Research Reading Group | 18.30 - 20.00 | Nuffield Room 2, Worcester College

The reading group meets weekly to discuss Global Priorities Research, and most papers we’ll read are from the Global Priorities Institute. To be added to the mailing list, please email: petra.kosonen@worc.ox.ac.uk. This event is organized by Effective Altruism Oxford.

Epistemology Group | 14.00 - 16.00 | Lecture Room 4, New College

A pre-read weekly reading and discussion group on recent work in epistemology, for graduate students and faculty, sometimes with work-in-progress talks. Contact Nick Hughes (nick.hughes@philosophy.ox.ac.uk) or Bernhard Salow (bernhard.salow@magd.ox.ac.uk) to be added to the mailing list.


Art and the Brain | 17.00 - 19.15 | Jacqueline du Pré Music Building, St Hilda’s College

An interdisciplinary workshop which addresses art from the points of view of neuroscience, psychology and philosophy.

Guest speakers: Professor Chrystalina Antoniades, Dr Richard Jolley, Dr James Grant

Free. All welcome. Book tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brain-and-mind-workshop-art-and-the-brain...


Oxford Public Philosophy (OPP) Critical Discussion Group | 17.10 - 18.30 | Boyd Room, Hertford College

This critical discussion group is an opportunity to learn about and discuss crucial methods and topics that you can't find on the philosophy syllabus.

More information can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1193177554213501/


Lincoln Leads: Philosophy Seminar - Are we entitled to choose how we die? | 17:15 - 19:00 | Oakeshott Room, Lincoln College

Speakers: Dr Maria Stamatopoulou, Dr Amy Proffitt (Medical Director in Palliative Medicine, St Christopher's) and Selina Abächerli

The panel will be chaired by Madeline Ketley.

Following a free wine reception from 5:15pm, the seminar will start at 5.45pm, culminating in a lively audience Q&A session that ends at 7pm.

Tickets are free, but must be booked in advance. Spaces are limited and going fast, so make sure you sign up by clicking here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lincoln-leads-2020-tickets-87627477143?ut...


Hegel Reading Group | 18.30 | Ryle Room, Radcliffe Humanities

We shall continue reading the Phenomenology of Spirit.

Week 2 - 30 January – Virtue and the course of the world §§ 381–393

Please contact susanne.herrmann-sinai@philosophy.ox.ac.uk for information. See the website with general information www.hegel.moonfruit.com.

Mereology of Potentiality - Conference: Time, Laws and Free Will | 09.30 - 19.00 | Rainolds Room, Corpus Christi College


09.30 - 11.00: Michael Esfeld - Super-Humeanism about laws of nature and free will

Coffee break

11.10 - 12.40: Andreas Hütteman - Conceptions of laws and the Consequence Argument

12.40 - 14.00: Lunch (one’s own arrangements)

14.00 - 15.30: Anna Marmodoro & Andrea Roselli - Dispositional essentialism in the Eternalist Block

Coffee break

15.45 - 17.15: Julian Barbour - Space, Ontology, Law and Time

Coffee break

17.30 - 19.00: Mauro Dorato - Dispositions, becoming and free will

All welcome!

For more information, visit https://www.power-parts.website/