Philosophy and Psychiatry Summer School 2024: Mind, Value and Mental Health
Organized by members of the University of Oxford Faculty of Philosophy, the 2024 summer school will explore urgent questions at the intersection of the philosophy of mind, ethics and the philosophy of mental health and mental illness.
Download the Philosophy and Psychiatry Summer School 2024 Brochure
Confirmed speakers at the 2024 summer school include:
Lucy O'Brien, Richard Wollheim Professor of Philosophy, UCL (Keynote)
Philip McGuire, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Oxford. Academic Director, SPRINT. Principal Investigator, Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging
Alexander Bird, Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge
Robert Chapman, Assistant Professor, Critical Neurodiversity Studies, Durham University
Claire Hogg, Lecturer in Law, University of Surrey
Edward Harcourt, Professor of Philosophy, University of Oxford and Fellow, Keble College; Oxford PPIEP Academic Lead, NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre
Cecily Whiteley, Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of St Andrews
More speakers will be confirmed in the coming weeks.

This interactive two-day programme will focus on the following themes:
Delusion (keynote topic)
Philosophical Perspectives on Depression
Mental Disorder and Creativity
Neurodiversity and the Political Economy of Normal Functioning
The 'Insanity Defence' and the Criminal Law
What is Expertise by Experience?
Precision Psychiatry
Throughout the event, participants will engage in an intellectually stimulating environment featuring guest lectures and seminars. Presentations – each of which pairs a philosopher with an expert from outside philosophy including clinicians, scientists and people with lived experience – are informal and designed to encourage substantial dialogue with and among the audience. To be held in the state-of-the-art new Anniversary Building situated alongside the river at St Hilda’s College.

This unique opportunity beckons for those eager to question, explore, and learn at the forefront of contemporary philosophical inquiry.
The summer school will run in person on 18-19 July 2024. Places are strictly limited and offered on a first come, first served basis; due to the collaborative nature of the programme, remote or hybrid attendance will not be possible. A flexible range of residential and non-residential packages are offered to suit participants' needs. The final date for registration is 11th July 2024 if all places are not filled earlier; if registrations exceed the maximum number, a waiting list will be in operation.
Summer School Fees in 2024:
Registration only: £299
Gala Dinner and Drinks Reception only: £60
The registration fee includes:
Attendance at all sessions on 18-19 July 2024
Lunch and refreshments on 18-19 July 2024
Internet access (wi-fi) at St Hilda's College
Summer School resource pack
Certificate of Attendance (on successful completion of the programme)
Additional item
Tickets to the Gala Dinner and Drinks Reception can be purchased at an additional cost (as noted above)
Feedback from our last summer school
“It was an excellent summer school with a good variety of topics and disciplines. I wished we could just continue and stay at St Hilda's for days
and days and days. The speakers deployed different teaching strategies which helped us maintain attention.”
“I am very satisfied with the summer school, it was very informative, yet the information was accessible and overall atmosphere was welcoming and
“A lot of information was provided, however, it was not disjoined at all. There was the overarching theme always present. The lecturers were very well prepared and all of the presentations were excellent. Lecturers clearly had the audience in mind.”
Cancellation and Amendments Policy
Please note that due to the collaborative nature of the programme, the summer school will run in person only, and remote or hybrid attendance will not be possible.
The Faculty of Philosophy reserves the right to alter the details of the summer school should illness or any other emergency prevent a tutor from teaching, and to cancel the programme if exceptionally low enrolment would make it educationally unviable. The status of the summer school will be reviewed on 14 June 2024; if it is likely that the event may be cancelled, all those affected will be notified by email within seven days, and possible options clearly explained. If you have not heard from the Faculty of Philosophy by 24 June 2024, you should assume that the summer school will be running; there is no need to contact us to confirm. You may wish to delay finalising your travel arrangements until after this date.
Should it become necessary to cancel the event due to other reasons, including but not limited to the Covid-19 pandemic, we will make every reasonable effort to give you as much notice of cancellation as possible. In the event of cancellation by the Faculty of Philosophy, we will refund all event fees paid by you (including the cost of the dedicated accommodation, if this has been reserved at the time of booking). Where fees have been paid in currencies other than in pounds sterling, refunds will be subject to the exchange rate on the date they are processed.
The Faculty of Philosophy cannot be held responsible for any costs you may incur in relation to travel or offsite accommodation bookings as a result of a course cancellation, or if you are unable to attend the course for any other reason. You are advised to check travel and booking cancellation policies carefully, and to purchase personal travel insurance.
Participants who choose to cancel their place after registration must inform the Administrative Officer by emailing The following cancellation and refund policies apply in all such cases:
Cancellation before 3 June 2024, or within 14 days if registered after 20 May 2024: full refund of all fees paid
Cancellation after 3 June 2024, or more than 14 days if registered after 20 May 2024: no refunds will be made*
*In the event that a waiting list is in operation and the space can be filled by 24 June 2022, a full refund will be issued