Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar
The Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar (PKEPS) is a seminar series devoted to the study and discussion of Post-Kantian European Philosophy, welcoming speakers from within Oxford and elsewhere to present work in a workshop format. Colleagues and graduate students with an interest in this tradition are very welcome to take part.
Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar Convenors: Jack Wearing, Joseph Schear, Manuel Dries, Kate Kirkpatrick and Mark Wrathall
Hilary Term 2025 - Term Card
Michaelmas Term 2024 - Term Card
Trinity Term 2024 - Term Card
Hilary Term 2024 - Term Card
Michaelmas Term 2023 - Term Card
Trinity Term 2023 - Term Card
Hilary Term 2023 - Term Card
Michaelmas Term 2022 - Term Card
Trinity Term 2022 - Term Card
Hilary Term 2022 - Term Card
Michaelmas Term 2021 - Term Card
Past Terms
Week 2 (4 May) |
Jonathan Mitchell (Manchester) |
The Phenomenal Contribution of Attention: A Husserlian Account |
Week 4 (18 May) |
Samantha Matherne (Harvard) |
The Normativity of Color: Phenomenological Perspectives |
Week 6 (1 June) |
Robert Watt (Trinity College) |
Bergson on memory |
Week 4 (9th February) |
Nicolai Knudsen |
''Shared Action - An Existential Phenomenological Account'' |
Week 8 (9th March) |
Jack Wearing |
''Ontology as a Guide to Politics? Judith Butler on Vulnerability, Interdependency, and Nonviolence'' |
Week 4 (3rd November) |
David Batho (UCSB) |
''The Light of Reason in the Shadow of Death - Heidegger on Mortal Norms'' |
Week 8 (1st December) |
Lilian Alweiss (Dublin) |
''The Self and Transcendental Habits'' |
Adrian Moore (Oxford) vs. Anil Gomes (Oxford) & Andrew Stephenson (Southampton) |
On the Necessity of the Categories | |
Matthieu Queloz (Oxford) |
Nietzsche’s Pragmatic Genealogies | |
Week 6 (25th February) |
Lilian Alweiss (Trinity College Dublin) |
Self-Consciousness without an I |
Iain Thomson (University of New Mexico) |
Heidegger on Death and the Nothing |
Rachel Cristy (KCL) |
‘The Moral Earth, Too, Is Round’: Nietzsche and James on the Practice and Purpose of Philosophy |
Alex Dowding (Oxford) |
Aesthetic Infinities and Temporal Distension |
Week 6 (19th November) |
Sean Kelly (Harvard) |
The Proper Dignity of Human Being: Later Heidegger and the Philosophical Tradition |
David Egan (CUNY-Hunter) |
'Rule-Following, Anxiety, and Authenticity' | |
Week 4 (5th February) | Charles Siewert (Rice) | 'Visual Recognition and Content' |
Anthony Vincent Fernandez (Oxford) | Doing Applied Phenomenology: From the Universal to the Particular' | |
Week 8 (5th March) | Justin White (BYU) | 'Agency and the Problem of Self-Ignorance' |
Samantha Matherne (Harvard) |
'Edith Landmann-Kalischer’s Moderate Objectivism About Aesthetic Value' |
Cate Gibson (Oxford) |
'Ambiguous Union: A Phenomenological Account of Early Childhood' | |
Week 6 (13th November) | Dan Zahavi (Oxford & University of Copenhagen) | 'You, Me and We' |
Chris Fowles (Oxford) |
'Nietzsche on Affects and the Interpretation of the Body' |
Mark Alznauer (Northwestern) |
"Hegel on Aesthetic Reconciliation" | |
Week 6 (29th May) | Alix Cohen (Edinburgh) | "Kant on the nature of emotions" |
Andreja Novakovic (UC Riverside) |
"Hegel on Passion in History" |
Adrian Moore (Oxford)
Stephen Houlgate (Warwick)
Marcin Moskalewicz (Oxford)
Stephen Mulhall (New College)
Michael Forster (Chicago)
Laura Macor (Oxford)
Jacob Burda (Oxford)
Miguel de Beistegui (Warwick)
Alessandra Tanesini (Cardiff)
Paul Franks (Yale),
Andrew Bowie (Royal Holloway)
Catherine Audard (LSE)
Brian Leiter (Chicago)
Angela Breitenbach (Cambridge)
Christina Howells (Oxford)
Joerg Schaub (Essex)
Eva Buddeberg (Frankfurt)
Christian Skirke (Amsterdam)
Peter Poellner (Warwick)
Peter Kail (Oxford)
Hanneke Grootenboer (Oxford)
Steven DeLay (Oxford)
Alison Denham (Oxford)
Beatrice Han-Pile (Essex)
Wayne Martin (Essex)
Sasha Mudd (Southampton)
Michael Rosen (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard)
Mark Wrathall (UC Riverside: Fowler-Hamilton Fellow, Christ Church)
Axel Honneth (Frankfurt/Columbia)
Paul Katsafanas (Boston)
Katerina Deligiorgi (Sussex)
Robert Watt (Oxford)
Sacha Golob (KCL)
De Lea Ypi (LSE)
Irene McMullin (Essex)
Katherine Withy (Georgetown)
Lucy Allais (Sussex)
Komarine Romdenh-Romluc (Nottingham)
Dennis McManus (Southampton)
Sabina Lovibond (Oxford) Lambert Wiesing (Germany)
Elizabeth Cykowski (Oxford)
Francesco Maiolo (Utrecht)
Cristina Crichton (Oxford)
Fabian Freyenhagen (Essex)
David Egan (Oxford)
Roxana Baiasu (Oxford)
Dean Moyar (Johns Hopkins University)
Thomas Land (Cambridge)
Christopher Janaway (Southampton)
Lorna Finlayson (Cambridge)
Andrew Huddleston (Oxford)
Michael Thompson (Pittsburgh)
Robert Pippin (Chicago)
Nicholas Bunnin (Oxford)
Jason Gaiger (Oxford)
Manuel Dries (Oxford)
Severin Schroeder (Reading)
Sebastian Gardner (UCL)
Pamela Anderson (Oxford)
Mark Wrathall (UC Riverside)
Simon Glendinning (LSE)
George Pattison (Oxford)
Katherine Morris (Oxford)
Robert Stern (Sheffield)
Edward Kanterian (Kent)
Michael Inwood (Oxford)
Wayne Martin (Essex)
Stephen Mulhall (Oxford)
Ken Gemes (Birkbeck)
Raymond Geuss (Cambridge)
Anna Wehofsits (LMU Munich)
Richard Gipps (Oxford)
Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (Oxford)
Brian O'Connor (Dublin)